Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Big Update Post

I'm really terrible at this blogging thing. As soon as I get busy, I fold like a wet paper towel in a wet paper towel folding machine.

So! For the three or four people who might be wondering how the Harry Potter party of 2011 went, here are some photos. Not everything went as planned, but it was probably the best party we've thrown so far and everyone seemed to have a good time. And Ravenclaw won the House Cups!

Terry and I as Snape and Hermione.

The 'Guess The Potion' game, where people had to take a shot of a potion and write down their guess for house points.

The display of HP books.

The Honeydukes buffet.

Nearly Headless Nick grabbing a Sorting Badge.

My friend Holly and I - she came as Aragog! You can just see the floating candles above us, and the first HP movie playing in the background.

It was a great time. I did learn some things though - for a start, fishing wire is not as strong as you think it is. The floating candles kept sliding down into the centre.

Also, if you fill your bathroom with spiders and declare it Aragog's Lair, at least one person will refuse to go to the loo until it's made 'safe'.

But anyway! That was two years ago, so I'm on to the next theme. We skipped 2012 because we didn't really have the money or the time to put into it, but this year we're in a new house and I intend to do things properly again - and actually get decent pictures myself this year instead of forgetting like every other time.

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