Saturday, 17 September 2011

Crafty Banner-Making

So as I explained previously, I'm not very crafty. But no more! I have unleashed my inner pritt stick goddess and made these:

This project took me maybe an hour and a half? Not very long, although I started it in the morning and then had to go feed my mum's cats, and on the way back there was a thunderstorm so we drove around watching it.... so it didn't get finished until the afternoon.

Here's how it started!

I got the black paper, which isn't used in this example but will be used on a copy of today's work, from W H Smith's for around £1 each I think. The pritt stick and scissors I already had, and we had some leftover coloured card at work which luckily matched the colours I needed: red, yellow, blue and green.

I printed out each of the house crests onto A4 paper. Be warned, Slytherin especially looks very pixelated when you look at it on paper and up close, but I found if you stand back from it (and since I'm planning on hanging mine over a balcony, that made sense) then they look fine.

To make the rectangles of card look more like pennants, I cut a triangle out of the bottom.

To get them all the same size, I cut out one and then laid it against the others one and by one to mark where the top of the triangle came to. Then you just cut from the corners to the dot. Keep the triangles for later.

Cutting out the house crests was easy enough, until I did Ravenclaw. Fiddly! The wings of the raven jut out the top of the crest and created about as much cutting work as doing the other three crests together.

Those triangles now come in handy! I wanted to glue all the way up to the edges of the crests (especially on bloody Ravenclaw) but equally did not want glue on my table. So I used the leftover triangles as surface protectors.

To make sure they were all glued into roughly the same place on each pennant, I used a DVD case as a placemarker.

And behold.... the finished products!

I am veeeery happy with these, and plan to hang them over my bedroom balcony so that the first thing people see when they come in, aside from the floating candles (more on that another time) will be these hanging up.

My Saturday feels very productive :)


  1. These turned out very well, you should be very pleased. I hope you post a pic of them hanging up. The red one is definitely a fav. All that cutting out was worth it, they are real winners.

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