I absolutely love them. They're exactly what I was picturing in my head, which isn't normally easy to match up to. The purpose of these badges is pretty simple - everyone who walks through the front door, including Tel but minus myself, will be sorted into a house (probably by taking a badge from a sorting hat). The best part is, once they're sorted they can wear the badge and identify other housemates!
This will be useful because there are going to be house points awarded for various activities around the house - some being very basic, like taking a shot to win ten points, others being harder - and if people know who their housemates are, they can easily group together. Why bother, you ask? I'll tell you why - the house with the most points at the end of the night will be awarded prizes!
This is the first purchase, but there's going to be more as the weeks go by - I need to get a Hermione costume sorted for one thing, and some Snape-related items for Tel.
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